Scull Tech UK

North West Rowing Service

Oars & Equipment

This is how we began and something we take a little pride in. There’s nothing quite like a nice shiny set of blades to take out on the water, and we’ve spent hours working on endless numbers of them. A lick of paint to represent the club colours or a new handle and that perfect grip suited just to your taste, we can do just what you need or strip them all the way back and re-build them, we’ve done it all.Image...

Boats & Repairs

Our facilities have the capacity to hold singles and doubles while under repair. Fours and eights will be limited to on site repairs.All repairs will need to be viewed for assessment to ensure we are the right people for the work to be done, and make sure its within our remit. Significant damage such as complete separations/splits for the time being are best carried out by larger workshops with the capacity to build moulds. We plan to level up...